Untitled Prenatal Sojourn 2023 Is an artwork from a series that is inspired by the French Philosopher Luce Irigaray. The ‘Prenatal sojourn’ is the intimacy and connection between mother and child in utero. I am interested in the embodied memory of this connection, this symbiotic relation that is perhaps our first experience of intimacy. This relation is powerful for all bodies as it is a universal journey; before we know or unerstand sex or gender, stereotypes, expectations or discrimination. This relation is before sight, where touch and sound may be the first sensory experiences of life. My work is an exploration of embodiment, interiority and where the visible and the tangible are complicated.
Please visit my studio 10/21-22. You can find the map and info about other artists on the tour with the link below. https://www.fcgov.com/creativecenter/studiotour